Whitakers Almanac and Time Almanac--we stopped this as a standing order. Probably not a good idea to keep these old issues there?
Farmers Almanac we are keeping, but do we really need all these back issues there? I kept 2007, 2008, 2009.
Magazines for Libraries is nearly 10 years old. A few things have changed in the magazine world during that time.
International Organizations we cancelled as a standing order in 2003. The 39th ed, which is 2002 seems a little old to be useful. The same is true for World of Learning, Official Museum Directory, American Book Trade Directory and ILMP.
Although I have actually used American Book Prices Current several times, the volumes we have are becoming increasingly outdated.
Is there anything on this cart that you would like to save? Also, is there anything there that you think we should resubscribe to? Also, take a look at what I have left on the shelf to see if you think there are anymore items that should be discarded.